Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jeff Long Just Did What Frank Broyles Never Could

By getting a huge name coach to come to Arkansas. Frank Broyles never really made a big name hire. Eddie Sutton came from Creighton. Lou Holtz was not known well. Nolan Richardson was at Tulsa, which was a nothing program back then. With his first hire as Athletic Director at Arkansas, Jeff Long didn't just hit it out of the park but past the parking lot and into a nearby creek.
I don't think its an overstatement to say that, other than a National Championship, this is the most significant moment to happen in Razorback athletics.
Bobby Petrino is the perfect guy for this job. He has brought the fans together closer than they have been in a very long time. I have not seen a crowd hang on every word like that in a long time. Every time he stopped a sentence he got applause. Pelphrey didn't even get that kind of welcome.
At 10:30 pm on Tuesday, December 12 everything changed in Fayetteville. This administration is not going to settle for being 7th best in the SEC. There is now a feeling in the air that we can win championships here. Don't be surprised if it happens either.
Way to go Jeff Long on getting the best possible coach to come to the U of A. The worst part is football season is still 9 months away.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

UA Shooting For Brad Pitt Has to Settle For Andy Dick

Although the University of Arkansas has the best athletic program in this state, they have one of the worst ones in America. I say this because that's the perception of people outside of this state. Nobody wants to work here, its viewed as a suicide mission. The very second you slip up, the fans will swarm you. Of course, the fans wouldn't have been swarming so much if you haven't had a coach that was have an affair with a TV anchor and having e-mails written to run off players he didn't like.
I ask you...could lightning like the good fortune of finding John Pelphrey happen to the same school in the same year again? It seems very unlikely that for the second time in a year, the fifth or sixth choice candidate could workout as well as Pelphrey has so far. Then again, I guess anything is possible in 2007 in the Razorback Nation.