Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jermain Taylor: Your 15 Minutes Are Up

With his loss to Kelly Pavlik Saturday night, Jermain Taylor has fallen to a level of mediocrity that he won't soon get out of. The former middleweight champ had most sports fans in this state that don't know a thing about boxing fooled into thinking he was actually pretty good. I watched his early title fights and he can't box. He can survive to the decision better than anyone else in the sport. But when it comes to putting a guy away he can't get it done.
Another thing that cracks me up is all these Arkansas media types who four years ago knew nothing about boxing outside of how Rocky Balboa fared against Ivan Drago now are all of the sudden "experts" on this sport. What they are really experts on is trying to desperately cling to a story to help give central Arkansas some sort of sports identity since all of the interesting sports in the state....the sports people of Arkansas really care about....take place in Fayetteville. Its all about the RAZORBACKS....everything else is just details. I've lived here my entire life and it hasn't changed.
But back to J.T., good luck reviving a dull career. I for one do not want to watch your fights anymore because they bore me. There is nothing you or your entourage can say that will make me want to watch your fights because they are not interesting. I am also tired of hearing everyone say that everytime you lose that the judges "screwed you" and should never be allowed to watch a boxing match ever again.
A buddy of mine said it best, Taylor was not a boxer, he was just a celebrity trying to keep his name out there.
Times Up.

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